Amnesty Algérie

by Amnesty Algérie



In a few clicks, you can get information, training and act in favor of human rights in Algeria and around the world.Who are we ?For 30 years, Amnesty International Algeria has brought together Algerian citizens from all over the country to campaign around a single goal: the defense and promotion of human rights in Algeria and around the world. Currently, we have more than 300 members and 19,000 active activists on the national territory. Amnesty International Algeria is part of a movement of more than 10 million people around the world who are fighting for respect for the fundamental rights of each individual. Solidarity, impartiality and independence are the values ​​we share on a daily basis. Essentially funded by our members, we are independent of any government, any political tendency, any economic interest and any religious belief. At Amnesty International, we have the same vision, that of a world where everyone can claim all the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international and regional human rights texts.